Sounds of Summer

Band Gazebo
Edgemont, SD
June 2011
Nothing says "Summer" to me more than sitting in the park and listening to a live musical performance.
Next week, the "Hot Notes, Cool Nights" concerts will begin at Riverton and Lander's city parks: I can hardly wait. The community band opens the evening concerts, and guest performers bring the evening to a close.

On those nights, I grab my knitting bag and my folding chair and head to the park.


  1. We are into the fourth week of our Music Under the Stars series with the TRADOC army band. The second week was cancelled due to bad weather. The experience I gained from the other two allow me to encourage you to pack bug spray and/or bounce sheets in your knitting bag. Trust me, it will make the concert much more enjoyable!

  2. Sounds enjoyable--the music and the cool nights. Our summer nights are always warm.

  3. How nice! One of our historic estates has a summer concert series, but I've never been...

  4. We don't have those cool nights but think it would be lovely.

  5. We live not too far from a park that also has a summer concert series. While we don't always go to the park, we can often hear the music wafting into our backyard. It is a pleasant way to spend a summer evening.

  6. That sounds like fun! Here in LA, it would be "hot notes under humid temps with lots of mosquitoes!"

  7. Sounds like the perfect place for some quality knitting time. :-)

  8. I love it too...and by the way, count me in on Monday night. I'll grab my knitting and lawn chair.

  9. What a wonderful thing to have in the summer!!

  10. How lovely and a nice summer tradition. Free and knit friendly!

  11. I love concerts in the park and knitting along is the best!!

  12. I'll bet you get some good knitting in until it starts to get dark out, sounds so nice and relaxing.


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