Off of the Frames

Today was the final day for the twining class. We met to weave in the loose ends, and to remove the finished rugs from the frames.

Show & Tell is always an exciting time. Everyone admired the color choices and designs created.

This rug featured a variety of novelty, quilting fabrics that the artist used to decrease her stash. Once the rug was finished it was impossible to detect the Halloween and Christmas fabrics. This twiner has a goal to make one rug a month for Christmas gifts.

Fabrics in this rug had been used to make curtains several years ago. The rug was made to coordinate with the artist's kitchen. She plans to make more rugs for herself and for gifts.

This will not be the only rug this artist makes. She took notes and measurements on how to improve the rug frame. She shared photos of her two cats enjoying this rug in her home.

The lady who twined this beauty is planning to make a red, white, and blue rug for her daughter.

Made from sheets, this rug will find its home in the owner's camper.


  1. They all turned out so nice. You're a good teacher! I like that one of them will be used in a camper.


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